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Upcoming Events

Upcoming events to look out for.  Check this page regularly for updates!

Past Events

Worldchefs Congress & Young Chefs Forum 2018, 
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

July 11th to 14th, 2018

Worldchefs Congress & Young Chefs Forum 2020, 
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Hofex 2017

May 8th to 11th, 2017

The biggest hotel and food trade show in Hong Kong only rolls around once every 2 years.  HKYCC partnered with HKCA, Disciples Escoffier and WACS to run this year's Chefs Corner where we featured refreshments for judges and competitors in the Hong Kong International Culinary Classics, and were able to do some serious fundraising for our club!

HOFEX只開放予業內及專業人士參觀, 公眾及18歲以下人士恕不招待。
免費4天參觀入場證可參觀 HOFEX 及 ProWine Asia @ HOFEX,請點擊以下網址登記。截止日期:2017年4月5日



立即登記, 成為香港青年廚師會會員! 現已接受網上付款!…/membership/membership-plans

HKCA Swiss Fondue Night 2017 瑞士暖粒粒芝士火鍋之夜

January 9th, 2017 @ Pacific Club

#香港青年廚師會 x #香港廚師協會 既活動真係一浪接一浪~ 包你Schedule 排到2017! 

拿拿拿等左咁耐, 終於凍返少少喇❄❄❄, 係呢個冬天, 黎參加呢個瑞士暖粒粒芝士火鍋之夜, 一齊黎分享呢個傳統美食喇~

最緊要係~ 只要你係 #HKYCC 香港青年廚師會既會員, 就可以用優惠價! 係優惠價:::: 300蚊就參加到喇~仲可以帶4個朋友一齊參加添!!!!

有興趣既你你你同你~快D PM�我地, 或者send 個email 去 報名喇!!! 12月29號就截止架喇~

Macau Trip

June 24th, 2013


HKYCC has been running visits to Macau for the past 4 years to visit back of house operations of new and major casino resort hotels such as Venetian, Wynn, Sands and City of Dreams.  This year we were joined by our big brothers from HKCA and got to tour the facilities of the new Galaxy Resort, as well as Instituto de Formacao Turistica!  

Hofex 2013

May 7th to 10th, 2013


The biggest hotel and food trade show in Hong Kong only rolls around once every 2 years.  HKYCC partnered with HKCA, Disciples Escoffier and WACS to run this year's Chefs Corner where we featured refreshments for judges and competitors in the Hong Kong International Culinary Classics, and were able to do some serious fundraising for our club!

WACS Congress & Young Chefs Forum, Stavanger, Norway

July 2nd to 5th, 2014


Every two years, the World Association of Chefs Societies hosts its biennial congress.  In 2014 this congress will be held in Stavanger, Norway.  Delegates representing chef associations from more than 90 countries around the world will come together and discuss issues facing our profession on a global scale.  


One of the highlights of the WACS Congress will be culinary competitions.  The finals of the WACS Global Chefs, Global Pastry Chefs and Hans Bueschkens world championships will be held in Stavanger.  HKYCC will be sending representatives to the Dr. Bill Gallagher Young Chefs Forum to meet with our brothers and sisters from all over the world.  An event not to be missed!

International Young Chefs Challenge, Seoul, South Korea

November 6th to 9th, 2013


The Hong Kong Young Chefs Club in partnership with the Hong Kong National Culinary Team is grooming a team to represent Hong Kong in the first International Young Chefs Challenge to be held in Gangnam, Seoul, Korea from November 6th to 9th.  This competition will see teams of young chefs preparing cold food displays as well as serving a multi-course menu for 65 guests in a similar style to the IKA Culinary Olympics held in Erfurt, Germany.  

International Chefs Day 國際廚師日《施比受,更有福》

9th October, 2016 @ Hong Kong Disneyland

October 20th is International Chefs Day.  Each year on this day, HKCA and HKYCC members come together to prepare meals for mentally handicapped children as our way of giving something back to our local community.  毎年的十月二十日為廚師界一年一度的大日子――國際廚師日,香港廚師協會毎年也會於香港迪士尼酒店聯同香港迪士尼的義工團隊們合辦一次慈善午餐,邀請扶康會及匡智松領綜合職業訓練中心的職員及院友們前來參與活動。二零一六年的國際廚師日亦已經提早在十月九日於香港迪士尼酒店順利舉辧,這次的活動有賴扶康會副主席施家殷先生及匡智松領綜合職業訓練中心的蔡院長帶領各朋友來到會場享用今次的慈善自助午餐。同時,除了香港廚師協會及香港青年廚師會的廚師代表們,這次活動更邀請了三間本地學校的義工同學們前來幫忙,當中包括香港理工大學酒店及旅遊管理系學院、國際廚藝學院及香港專業教育學院柴灣分校。衷心感謝他們的善心及鼎力相助,令活動順利進行。除此之外,香港迪士尼酒店的廚師和迪士尼義工團隊更準備了800盒慈善午餐飯盒,送給當日正在當値、不能到場參加活動的職員及院友們,以表示在場人我們也非常感謝香港迪士尼酒店借出場地;藝人朋友們抽空出席,感謝鄭啟泰先生,黎桂蘭小姐,林祖輝先生,姚嘉妮小姐及他們的小朋友。另外,我們也非常感謝以下的贊助商為今次的活動提供食材贊助!16間公司排名不分先後:Sutherland Company Limited,Nestle Hong Kong Limited ,Goodview Fruit Limited,Saison Food Service Limited,Unliever Hong Kong Limited,A& W Food Service Limited,Bayern Gourmet Food Co Ltd,La Rose Noire Limited ,Ah TaiKee Farm Product Processing,Newton Marine Product Company,Trade Winds Food service Brokers Limited,Aqua Green Limited,Bakkavor Limited,The Hong Kong Jockey Club,Lee Kam Kee ,Lordly。有賴他們的鼎力支持,這次活動才得


Meat 101 Workshop @ 101 series

July 20th, 2016 @ VTC Pokfulam Complex

Worldchefs Congress & Young Chefs Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece

September 24th to 27th, 2016

CLP GreenPlus Resort & Aquatech Asia Farm Visit

August 24th, 2016 @ 9:30am-2:30pm (Sham Shui Po & Lau Fau Shan)

There's a reason HKYCC's logo is green.  We care about our environment and the future, and the key is understanding more about sustainability.  On 24th August, HKCA and HKYCC members will visit China Light & Power's GreenPlus Resort in Yuen Long where you can learn about the latest in energy saving innovations.  Afterwards, we will check out Aquatech Asia's Farm in Lau Fau Shan to learn about sustainable fish farming practices.  Since no chef gathering should ever take place without food, we will stop by for lunch at Siu Tao Yuen Seafood Restaurant for a Coral Trout lunch.  The price is HK$50 per person all inclusive, for members only.  


August, 2016 

Will Leung 有好嘢同大家分享,🇯🇵築地市場呑拿魚拍賣🔔。

Will Leung ,一個80後,90頭而且對攝影充滿熱誠的廚師,曾流浪於澳洲兩年,希望能夠遊歷世界,拍出不同的地方食物及其特色,現職於半島酒店頂樓餐廳的一名小職員。

Will: 我覺得呢個係一個好好既體驗,我地因為事先同日本供應商溝通左,佢地話會帶我地入去睇拍賣,咁我地大清早3點幾起床🕒,4點半🕟約佢地係築地正門等,佢先帶我地去睇新鮮吞拿魚拍賣,呢個時候仲未見有參觀者,原來係唔對外開放既,去到雪藏區見倒大班參觀者係黃線外面,原來可以上網 預訂參觀,但係都係唔可以入來太近,供應商教我地點搵靚魚,佢會拎少少肉出來係手上搓,睇下佢油脂同肉質。


AGM & 25th Anniversary Dinner

April 21st, 2016 @ Cafe Deco, Level 1 & 2, The Peak Galleria

中餐烹飪世界錦標賽2016完結篇 Chinese Cuisine World Championship

November 15-18th, 2016 中國北京

The Chinese Cuisine World Championship is concluded today, 2016/11/18, Beijing, China



IKA Culinary Olympics 

October 22-25th, 2016 @ Erfurt, Germany

Gold in IKA!

The Hong Kong Culinary National Team made Gold in the Culinary Art and Pastry Art Programme or IKA Culinary Olympics.

It's not a perfect table, there are still a lot to improve, the Team has put in a lot of effort on this.This means a lot to us and we are proud to wave the flag of Hong Kong at this world level culinary competition.

The Great America Texas BBQ 2016 一個好玩又刺激嘅晚上!

22nd November, 2016 @ Hong Kong Disneyland 

十一月二十二日晚上,美國肉類出口協會聯同Texas Beef Council及United States Department of Agriculture於香港迪士尼酒店舉辦了一年一度的美食盛事-【The Great American Texas BBQ】!

香港青年廚師會的一眾會員們及一班香港專業教育學院荃灣分校的同學仔們有幸出席活 動,一齊去做牛仔牛女~~每位有份出席活動的成員也感到很盡興,大家也覺得是次盛事不但「有得食,有得玩」,而且更從活動中認識了多間機構的大廚們,可謂獲益匪淺!在此代表各位有份參與的成員感謝各主辦單位舉辦了今次的活動!多謝香港迪士尼酒店的行政總廚給予大家今次參與活動的機會!辛苦大廚楠哥為我地作出妥善的安排!亦多謝在場各個機構、各間公司的各位大廚帶領一班「牛仔、牛女」一齊為來賓服務!多謝各位香港青年廚師會會員及香港專業教育學院荃灣分校的同學仔們抽空到場幫手!另外,於今次活動中,大會亦捐出左一批T-shirt及襟章作慈善義賣之用,所得收益亦已撥捐給香港廚師協會!在此非常感謝有幫手買衫捐錢的善長人翁們,亦多謝咁多位幫手義賣的會員及同學仔不辭勞苦,一手拎衫,一手拎捐款箱咁落力去逐枱賣衫!

What Makes a Michelin Star Dish - Food Demonstration by 2 Michelin Star Chef Marco Sacco

26th November, 2016 @ School of Hotel & Tourism Management, PolyU

第一次同香港理工大學酒店及旅遊管理學院的Food and Wine Academy 合作。多謝院長Dean Chon 同Murray 邀請我地香港青年廚師會既會員參與今次既活動,跟意大利兩星米芝蓮廚師 Chef Marco Sacco 學習制作新鮮面條,carbonara 同紅菜頭意大利飯risotto! Much appreciated! Looking for the future events!! 期待下一次既合作!

Hong Kong Chefs Association Christmas Gathering 2016

December 21st, 2016 @ Chez Ed

廚師就一定要返工唔可以過聖誕節? No!!! 有咩開心一過同一班志同道合既廚師師兄弟慶祝聖誕? 就係同一大班廚師一齊慶祝喇!!!


日期: 4月11日, 星期二
會員大會- 下午5時45分
雞尾酒會- 晚上7時
周年晚宴- 晚上7時30分
地點: 香港康得思酒店 (會員大會- 八樓) (晚宴- 七樓宴會廳)

費用方面:青年廚師會會員只收費用$500 (會員正常收費$850),如有興趣,請直接聯絡我們。
Seafood and Sauce 101 Workshop 海鮮及醬汁工作坊
Feb 23rd, 2017 @ VTC Pokfulam Complex


日期: 017年2月23日(星期四)

時間: 下午3點至5點

#HKYCC 香港青年廚師會既會員, 仲可以帶2個朋友一齊參加添!!!!

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